
Track your workouts, strength progression and more!

All your body building data in one place. Never miss a workout again!


Rich dashboard

Daily dashboard show's targeted muscles, upcoming working and completed workouts.

In depth statistics

Weekly/Monthly charts and statistics for workout volume and strength gains.

Exercise history

Exercise specific dashboards to view volume history and strength progression.

Follow complex plans/splits

Support for complicated plans that include 1RM percentages, AMRAP, TUT and more.

Log sets

Log rets/reps and track personal bests. Weights are automatically calculated for 1RM plans (nSuns, Wendler etc).

Calculate and track body statistics

Log and track weight, skin fold and measurements.

Create custom plans

Use the plan wizard to create complex plans from scratch or modify existing plan. You can share plans with friends by making them global!

Create goals and track progress

Goals can be created for any time frame or metric on the app. Including weight, body measurements, skin fold measurements, body fat percentage, one rep max etc

Track your measurements

All measurements are recorded and can be reviewed to see your progress. To create graphs use the goal creator.

View workout diary/log

Your workout log shows all the workouts done on a date across any plan selected. This is a digital record of your work in the gym.

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It's free and will always be!